среда, 10. август 2016.


HOW TO FIGHT FOR YOURSELF / CONFIDENCE BOOST Why am I wearing a warpaint? Because I want to talk about confidence and figting for yourself! It is a huge topic I want to talk to you guys about. Because we are all hard on ourselves, sometimes even harder than other people are towards us. Part of me being on YouTube is trying to build more self confidence. I was so scared but then all this support from you lovely people came and made me happy. Now then I was wondering - do I need positive feedback to feel good, why haven't I already felt good enough? Simple, we are social beings, we live among people and want their support. Wich brings me to my next chapter - beauty. We are always questionig our choices, trying to please ourselfs and others. You can not escape from who you are and you shouldn't, cause it will come back to haunt you. This continues to lower our self esteem in other areas – you feel you're not good enough, smart enough, interesting enugh, but this is so wrong. The world needs you and you should go into it with your chin up and open heart. Push your limits more and more every day and you will feel so proud, and after a while doing this practice you wil be invincible! The only one stoping you from trying is yourself! Make a list of things you want to do and fears you want to overcome. For example, you want to learn how to skate or overcome the fear od snakes, or the fear of people. Start one step at the time to reach your goal. And remember that other people have fears too, no one is imune to that. I am sometimes terrified to speak in public because I'm scared I will look stupd and here I am speking to you, all people who have internet connection can hear me if they want. And I cannot thank you enogh for the massive support you gave me! And that will happen to you. If you put your heart and soul into somenthing and be honest, there is no way you will fail. When you really want something the whole universe starts working to let you have it. Don't ever give up on yourself, fight for yourself! You are the one who can make a difference in your life, so instead of saying I cant, start saying I will! And start now, not tomorrow, not next week, do something right away! If you want something you've never had, than you've got to do something you've never done! I hope this video gave you some energy boost and the rest is all up to you. Facebook 1 http://ift.tt/2aFlRaG Facebook 2 http://ift.tt/2biPuPD Join my group http://ift.tt/2afUlnF Like my page http://ift.tt/2aPzJ1D Instagram http://ift.tt/2b0uQn9 Twiiter https://twitter.com/ilic_marijana Blog http://ift.tt/2afUfMw Contact beautytutorials86@gmail.com

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