петак, 19. август 2016.


BIZARRE SCIENCE: WEIRD BEAUTY FACTS 1. An average woman eats about 2-3 kilos of lipstick in her lifetime! 2. Did you know that natural blondes have more hair on average? Blondes have about 140,000 hairs on their head. Brunettes average about 110,000, people with black hair about 108,00 and redheads come in last with about 80,000 average hairs on their head. Red hair is the rarest hair color for human beings, but contrary to popular belief, redheads are not going extinct. Although both parents must carry the recessive redhead gene to product a child with red hair, evolutionary biologist agree that red hair won’t die out any time soon. 3. You know those unexpected zits that pop up the night before a huge event? The ones you know will ruin any chance you have to feel confident? Kill them with toothpaste! You read that right, toothpaste can actually dry out and kill pimples. 4. 80% of women’s wrinkles are caused by excessive sun exposure. 5. According to researches, an average woman spends about 120 hours a year looking at herself in the mirror, which is approximately 5 entire days a year! 6. On average woman spends 58 days of their lives shaving or waxing unwanted hair. 7. Average woman spends about 13.000 dollars on her makeup in her lifetime. 8. she spends an average of 330 hours applying makeup. 9. The average woman spends almost nine years of her life shopping 10. As the week drags on, both men and women spend less time getting ready in the morning. On Mondays women spend an average of 76 minutes primping, but they spend only 19 minutes by Friday. 11. genetically there are really only two types of hair: Straight and curly. Wavy hair is the result of a person carrying one of each type of gene. 12. When dry a human hair has greater tensile strenght than a strand of nylon of the same size. My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcLGAvcMv1JPL09me1Snnw Facebook http://ift.tt/2aFlRaG Facebook http://ift.tt/2biPuPD Join my group http://ift.tt/2afUlnF Like my page http://ift.tt/2aPzJ1D Instagram http://ift.tt/2b0uQn9 Twiiter https://twitter.com/ilic_marijana Blog http://ift.tt/2afUfMw Contact beautytutorials86@gmail.com

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