уторак, 18. април 2017.

Double Eyeliner - Casual Goth (100 DAYS OF MAKEUP #4)

Double Eyeliner - Casual Goth (100 DAYS OF MAKEUP #4) This might not be casual for some people :) I sometimes change my mind right in the middle of creating my look - as you saw here when I adds more eyeliner on my upper lash line. Makeup is fun :* Watch 100 days of makeup playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHKGOSodwwu_rNl4HumUJrrzy8kCYOXuj * My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcLGAvcMv1JPL09me1Snnw * Join my group http://ift.tt/2afUlnF * Like my page http://ift.tt/2aPzJ1D * Instagram http://ift.tt/2b0uQn9 * Twiiter https://twitter.com/ilic_marijana * Blog http://ift.tt/2afUfMw * Contact beautytutorials86@gmail.com Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by any companies mentioned in the video. These are all my honest opinions.

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