уторак, 13. децембар 2016.


HOW TO DRESS "STRANGE" WITH CONFIDENCE AND DEAL WITH NEGATIVITY First of all, you don’t have to look extremely strange to get negative reactions. All people deal with mean comments whether people that say bad shit are aware that they are rude or not. From someone yelling at you “hey freak” to people that you know and ask you “why the fuck did you dress like that”. Why is that happening? People are projecting their own insecurity whether they are aware or not. They would mind their own business and won’t react to how you - random person on street or in their surroundings look like. How to deal with this. You don’t answer their hate comments. Everything is energy so what you give comes back to you. If you are yelled at by a stranger on the street just ignore and continue with your life. That is the best you can do, don't get in conflict with people. Who knows what is in their head to go out of their way to hurt your feelings. If you answer them it means they affected you and that gives them the feeling of power that they don't actually have, but they want it. Which is a silly type of power, energy vampires is what they are. If you are getting bullshit from family members, depending on how close you are to them you can talk about what they find so upsetting that they are implying you should look like them and not like yourself. But whatever you do, do not ever change for somebody. You are yourself and you need to please yourself and be happy. Not play a part that other people want you to play. You will be miserable if you become a slave of society that wants you to do something you don't want to do. If you want to be pink princess be that, if you want to be the blackest goth on planet be that, if you want to dress "slutty" do that and if you want to dress "normal" do that. No one on this planet has the right to change you so you can fit the image in their heads. You don't live in their heads, you live in your body and you get to choose what you will put on it, in it etc. If you get dressed and ready and you look yourself in the mirror and you are happy with what you see, that is all you need to stick to. It can be sometimes difficult but that goes away with age and you practicing being yourself. The comments are not as frequent and when you get them you don't really get upset. You just feel sorry for the people that are full of hate and not accepting that someone on this planet does not want to look like them. Because that is so not important. So many other things are happening in my everyday life that I don't really care how people look. If I like something about them, or what they are wearing I will tell them that. if I don't find their appearance appealing I won’t say nothing. Why would I go out of my way just to hurt someone. That is draining and unnecessary. So look the way that makes you happy and stay positive. Give love and love will come back to you, give negativity and negativity is going to be present in your life. * My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcLGAvcMv1JPL09me1Snnw * Join my group http://ift.tt/2afUlnF * Like my page http://ift.tt/2aPzJ1D * Instagram http://ift.tt/2b0uQn9 * Twiiter https://twitter.com/ilic_marijana * Blog http://ift.tt/2afUfMw * Contact beautytutorials86@gmail.com

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