четвртак, 29. септембар 2016.


10 RESOLUTIONS TO OVERCOME ANXIETY / MY EXPERIENCE I know everybody faces anxiety in their life more or less on a daily basis. I have been dealing with it for years and somehow I have managed to get it to a minimum with more or less success. I realized that it's better to prevent anxiety that to fight it when it strikes. I've made a list of 10 resolutions that worked for me to be able to handle my anxiety easier and with more grace. I hope you will find it helpful and know that you are not alone and you aren't the only one who has these problem. Stay strong, my friends. I have listed all 10 resolutions I talked about in this video 1. Stop comparing yourself to other people 2. Stop planning like a maniac - be spontaneous 3. Clean your living space 4. Spend time with your family 5. Treat yourself 6. Take time for yourself 7. Stop scrolling social networks - read books 8. Be positive - give people a chance 9. Start working out 10. Speak up for yourself * My Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwcLGAvcMv1JPL09me1Snnw * For more beauty tutorials visit Gorgeous Girl channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEb6PFGwPgccdUQ1_SAFplw * Facebook http://ift.tt/2aFlRaG * Facebook http://ift.tt/2biPuPD * Join my group http://ift.tt/2afUlnF * Like my page http://ift.tt/2aPzJ1D * Instagram http://ift.tt/2b0uQn9 * Twiiter https://twitter.com/ilic_marijana * Blog http://ift.tt/2afUfMw * Tumbrl http://ift.tt/2bUSwKa * Contact beautytutorials86@gmail.com

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